Conforming to Codable for Associated Value Enums in Swift

Understanding Associated Value Enums

Why there are associated value enums in Swift? I mean, why the Swift core team designed associated value enum?

To understand it, firstly, let's take a look at the following example in C:

struct Printer;
struct Scanner;
enum DeviceType {
DeviceTypePrinter = 0,
DeviceTypeScanner = 1,
struct Device {
union {
struct Printer * printer;
struct Scanner * scanner;
} pointer;
enum DeviceType device_type;

The C struct Device represents a device. The member pointer is an anonymous union which has two members printer and scanner and can help specialize the type of the pointer. The member device_type indicates which type of device pointer this struct stores.

And then we can get the stored pointer with the following C code:

struct Device device;
Printer * printerPtr = NULL;
Scanner * scannerPtr = NULL;
switch (device.device_type) {
case DeviceTypePrinter:
printerPtr = device.pointer.printer;
case DeviceTypeScanner:
scannerPtr = device.pointer.scanner;

After I've described the purpose of the C struct above, you can quick realize that you can interpret it into Swift like the following code:

struct Printer {}
struct Scanner {}
enum Device {
case printer(Printer)
case scanner(Scanner)

And we can get the stored pointer with the following Swift code:

let device: Device = .printer(Printer());
var printer: Printer!
var scanner: Scanner!
switch device {
case let .printer(p):
printer = p
case let .scanner(s):
scanner = s

Yes. The design purpose of associated value enums is just to simplify the declaration and usage for data structures like the previous Device example in C. Similar C structs like the Device struct are ubiquitous in code bases of operating systems or other infrastructures written in C, which is just another approach exercises polymorphism.

I mean polymorphism. Yes, polymorphism.

Polymorphism is not a concept only exists in Object-Oriented world. Once an entity has multiple potential forms, then we can call this entity exercises polymorphism.

Since the associated value enum is designed to simply the expression of polymorphism in plain-old data structure, we can express an associated value enum with another polymorphism approach -- the Object-Oriented one.

Expressing Associated Value Enum in Object-Oriented World

The first pattern we can come up with to express an associated value enum in Object-Oriented World is abstract factory.

Yes. Actually, I always use the abstract factory pattern to illustrate associated value enums in Object-Oriented World.

For the Device struct in Swift which we have shown in the previous example, we can write an equivalent Object-Oriented Swift code.

enum DeviceType {
class DeviceObject {
var type: DeviceType { preconditionFailure("Abstract class") }
var deviceValue: Device { preconditionFailure("Abstract class") }
static func make(device: Device) -> DeviceObject {
switch device {
case let .printer(printer): return makePrinter(printer)
case let .scanner(scanner): return makeScanner(scanner)
static func makePrinter(_ printer: Printer) -> DeviceObject {
return PrinterObject(printer: printer)
static func makeScanner(_ scanner: Scanner) -> DeviceObject {
return ScannerObject(scanner: scanner)
class PrinterObject: DeviceObject {
override var type: DeviceType { return .printer }
override var deviceValue: Device { return .printer(printer) }
let printer: Printer
init(printer: Printer) {
self.printer = printer
class ScannerObject: DeviceObject {
override var type: DeviceType { return .scanner }
override var deviceValue: Device { return .scanner(scanner) }
let scanner: Scanner
init(scanner: Scanner) {
self.scanner = scanner

Then we have expressed an associated value enum with the Object-Oriented approach now.

Conforming to Codable

With the DeviceObject class, conforming to Codable comes to be very easy now. Firstly, we have to make DeviceObject to conform to Codable.

enum DeviceType: UInt8, Codable {
case printer
case scanner
class DeviceObject: Codable {
var type: DeviceType { preconditionFailure("Abstract class.") }
var deviceValue: Device { preconditionFailure("Abstract class.") }
private enum _CodingKeys: CodingKey {
case type
init() {
required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: _CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(type, forKey: .type)
static func make(device: Device) -> DeviceObject {
switch device {
case let .printer(printer): return makePrinter(printer)
case let .scanner(scanner): return makeScanner(scanner)
static func makePrinter(_ printer: Printer) -> DeviceObject {
return PrinterObject(printer: printer)
static func makeScanner(_ scanner: Scanner) -> DeviceObject {
return ScannerObject(scanner: scanner)
static func make(decoder: Decoder) throws -> DeviceObject {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: _CodingKeys.self)
let deviceType: DeviceType = try container.decode(DeviceType.self, forKey: .type)
switch deviceType {
case .printer:
return try PrinterObject(from: decoder)
case .scanner:
return try ScannerObject(from: decoder)

The key point here is the static function:

static func make(decoder: Decoder) throws -> DeviceObject

This is a factory method for DeviceObject.

You may doubt that in ObjectiveC, we often call "factory method" with syntax like

Foo * foo = [Foo foo];

For a concrete example, like NSCalender:

NSCalendar * calendar = [NSCalendar calendarWithIdentifier: NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian];

returns an instance of type _NSCopyOnWriteCalendarWrapper, which is a derived class of abstract class NSCalendar.

The class method [NSCalendar +calendarWithIdentifier:] actually calls [NSCalendar +alloc] on NSCalendar firstly and then this function calls into [NSCalendar +allocWithZone:], then calls the designated initializer [NSCalendar -initWithCalendarIdentifier:] on the returned instance by the previous method call -- this is what we called two-stage initialization -- the allocation stage and initialization stage, which is often compared with the concept "RAII" (resource acquisition is initialization) oftenly used in C++.

NSCalendar Two-Stage Initialization
NSCalendar Two-Stage Initialization

To return an instance with derrived class of the abstract class, here is NSCalendar, we need to dispatch the returned instance in the allocation stage, which is [NSCalendar +allocWithZone:]. But since Swift keeps the allocation stage "under-the-hood", we are no longer able to do that way when migrated to Swift.

Thus we use a dedicated static function as a "factory method". And since DeviceObject is an abstract class, the designated initializer init() and init(from:) does nothing here (Yes, because that they are initializers).

Then implement Codable in DeviceObject's derived classes.

class PrinterObject: DeviceObject {
private enum _CodingKeys: CodingKey {
case printer
override var type: DeviceType { return .printer }
override var deviceValue: Device { return .printer(printer) }
let printer: Printer
init(printer: Printer) {
self.printer = printer
required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: _CodingKeys.self)
printer = try container.decode(Printer.self, forKey: .printer)
try super.init(from: decoder)
override func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: _CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(printer, forKey: .printer)
try super.encode(to: encoder)
class ScannerObject: DeviceObject {
private enum _CodingKeys: CodingKey {
case scanner
override var type: DeviceType { return .scanner }
override var deviceValue: Device { return .scanner(scanner) }
let scanner: Scanner
init(scanner: Scanner) {
self.scanner = scanner
required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: _CodingKeys.self)
scanner = try container.decode(Scanner.self, forKey: .scanner)
try super.init(from: decoder)
override func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: _CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(scanner, forKey: .scanner)
try super.encode(to: encoder)

Then we can make Device to conform to Codable now.

extension Printer: Codable {}
extension Scanner: Codable {}
extension Device: Codable {
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let deviceObject = try DeviceObject.make(decoder: decoder)
self = deviceObject.deviceValue
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
try DeviceObject.make(device: self).encode(to: encoder)

Finally, all things done.

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