Hello, world! I haven't been writing blog posts for a long time. The reason why I had given up blogging is that currently there are no blog systems fulfill all my needs. I tried to get used to Medium. I love its reply system -- which guides people to write a new post instead of a simple comment…
This post has been revisited with LLM technology to improve its English fluency. In this post, I'll discuss the implementation of Gatsblog, a blog system built with Gatsby.js. If you missed my previous posts about the overview and design of Gatsblog, please check them for context about the…
This post has been revisited with LLM technology to improve its English fluency. As mentioned in my Hello World post, no existing blog system fully meets my needs, especially given my deep involvement with frontend technology. This led me to create my own solution. This post documents my journey…
This post has been revisited with LLM technology to improve its English fluency. I had limited time to create a modern design for the first version of Gatsblog. The design is somewhat "old school," but I carefully tuned the grid system to achieve a high-quality layout. Grid System Grid systems are…
crontab , an abbreviation of chronic table (periodical time table), is a task scheduler which schedules tasks in period of time on UNIX systems. Each user in UNIX systems have its own "crontab". Editing the crontab File By executing crontab -e , you can open the crontab of the user you logged in…
Case Study: Intervening UIScrollView Instances's Pan Gesture Recognizer As we known, UIScrollView translates pan gesture signals into scrollViewDidXXX: messages and sends to its delegate, most of the time you only have to understand the relationships between the pan gesture signals and the…
Preface What is the most critical thing swings your decision when you choose a programming language? Some people may say, the less lines of code they write, the better the language itself is. (Nope, the best programming language is PHP.) OK. It might be true. But writing less code is not an…