Swift Macro: Revisited - Traps and Pitfalls

In the previous post, we learned the strengths and the essence that uniquely define the Swift Macro. The examples in that post work so far so good. However, can we be confident and bold, implementing any Swift macros we want now?


The features that bring Swift Macro advantages also introduce traps and pitfalls that could shoot the programmers themselves in the foot. In this post, I would like to show you several ones that I've found and how to overcome them.

Traps and Pitfalls

Potential Chaos in Control Flow

The #unwrap example in the previous post shows that Swift Macro expansion could involve control flow manipulation and lexical scope sharing:

Before expansion:

func foo(_ bar: Int?) {
#unwrap(bar) {

After expansion:

func foo(_ bar: Int?) {
// #unwrap expansion began
guard let bar = bar else {
// #unwrap expansion ended

Since the return statement in the macro expansion which manipulates the control flow is an intentional behavior, this would not make us surprised. But what if we put this macro in a loop? Here is an example:

Before expansion:

func foo(_ bar: Int?) {
for _ in 0..<10 {
#unwrap(bar) {
// Rest codes

After expansion:

func foo(_ bar: Int?) {
for _ in 0..<10 {
// #unwrap expansion began
guard let bar = bar else {
// #unwrap expansion ended
// Rest codes

From the macro expansion shown above, we can learn that if we pass a nil to foo, the rest codes after the for loop would not be executed. This is because the return statement involved by the macro expansion would break the outer loop.

However, the #unwrap macro's name only conveys the purpose of unwrapping optional values. This might cause the programmer who uses this macro to think that returning from the applied site is an unintentional behavior.

Name Conflicts in Freestanding Macros

The odd mentioned above is not the only potential pitfall in the expansion that I gave for the #unwrap macro. One more pitfall here is that expanding the #unwarp macro may cuase variable redeclarations. Let's continue to examine that macro expansion:

func foo(_ bar: Int?) {
// #unwrap expansion began
guard let bar = bar else {
// #unwrap expansion ended

This brought variable name shadowing where the guard let bar: Int shadows the argument _ bar: Int?. In the case of #unwrap, the variable name shadowing is trivial because it is an intentional behavior. However, since freestanding Swift macro expansions involve lexical scope sharing with the applied site, this could turn variable name shadowing into variable redeclaration in the expansions of naïvely implemented macros. Here is a contrived example, the variable name updater is shadowed before the macro expansion but redeclared after the expansion:

Before expansion:

func foo(_ bar: Int?) {
let updater = Updater()
#unwrap(bar) {
let updater = Updater()

After expansion:

func foo(_ bar: Int?) {
// `updater` defined the first time
let updater = Updater()
// #unwrap expansion began
guard let bar else {
// `updater` defined the second time
let updater = Updater()
// #unwrap expansion ended

With a clean build in Xcode, you could find this example could not be compiled:

A Compilation Failure Caused by Variable Redeclaration Brought By Expanding The #unwrap Macro
A compilation failure caused by variable redeclaration brought by expanding the #unwrap macro.

Name Conflicts in Attached Macros

Potential name conflicts can arise not only from freestanding macros but also from attached macros. We can learn this from the @COW macro example in the previous post. Let's recall the macro expansion of this example:

struct User {
// @COW expansion began
private class Storage {
var name: String
// other properties ...
private var _$storage: Storage
private func makeStorageUniqueIfNeeded() {
if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_$storage) {
_$storage = Storage(name: name, ...)
init(name: String, ...) {
self._storage = Storage(name: name, ...)
// @COW expansion ended
// @COW expansion began
@COWIncluded(storage: _$storage)
// @COW expansion ended
var name: String {
// @COWIncluded expansion began
get { return _$storage.name }
set {
_$storage.name = newValue
// @COWIncluded expansion ended

You may have noticed that there is a member added in the expansion that is named with a pattern that has a _$ prefix.

private var _$storage: Storage

This is a naming convention that I picked from Apple's implementation of the macros in Swift Observation and SwiftData which keeps the implementation details of an attached macro from the programmer's unintentional access. However, this does not protect those members from unintentional redeclaration or access brought by other macros -- there could be other macros that are applied by the programmer that add members with duplicate names or misuse members added by other macros.

For example, let's say there was a macro called @DictionaryLike which makes the applied type behave like a dictionary by adding a pair of subscript getter and setter. Then we apply @DictionaryLike on the User struct we used in the @COW macro example:

struct User {
// Other contents ...

The @DictionaryLike could be expanded as the following code:

struct User {
// Other contents ...
// @DictionaryLike exapnsion began
var _$storage: [String : Any] = [:]
subscript(_ key: String) -> Any? {
get { return _$storage[key] }
set { _$storage[key] = newValue }
// @DictionaryLike exapnsion ended

Once we stack up @COW and @DictionaryLike together on the same type, then there come to the situation that both @COW and @DictionaryLike adds a member named _$storage to the applied type.

struct User {
// Other contents ...
// Brought by @COW's expansion
var _$storage: Storage
// Brought by @DictionaryLike's expansion
var _$storage: [String : Any] = [:]

This obviously would not get compiled in Swift because Swift does not allow overloads on properties. In this case, we would get the “invalid redeclaration of a variable” error again.

A Compilation Failure Caused by Variable Redeclaration Brought By Expanding The @DictionaryLike Macro
A compilation failure caused by variable redeclaration brought by expanding the @DictionaryLike macro.

Name Conflicts for Unique Language Structures

Some language structures in Swift are unique under the superstructure. This means when multiple macros try to generate the same substructure in the same superstructure, the code becomes uncompilable. For example, the get and set accessor in a property declaration -- if we add multiple get accessors in a property declaration, then the code does not compile. This mistake merely happens in hand-rolled code but could be a concern when we are using macros.

We can delve into this by starting from the previous @DictionaryLike example. Let's consider there is an attached accessor macro called @UseDictionaryStorage which generates get and set accessor for the attached property. The getter and setter forward access to the storage which is brought by the expansion of @DictionaryLike.

Before macro expansion:

struct User {
var info: [String : Any]?

After macro expansion:

struct User {
var info: [String : Any]? {
// @UseDictionaryStorage exapnsion began
get {
return _$storage["info"] as? [String : Any]?
set {
_$storage["info"] = newValue
// @UseDictionaryStorage exapnsion ended

However, that's oversimplified what happened. The real expansion result with @COW macro is:

struct User {
var info: [String : Any]? {
// @COWIncluded expansion began
get {
set {
_$storage.info = newValue
// @COWIncluded expansion ended
// @UseDictionaryStorage exapnsion began
get {
return _$storage["info"] as? [String : Any]?
set {
_$storage["info"] = newValue
// @UseDictionaryStorage exapnsion ended

We can observe that two get and set accessors are generated under the info property. Since the grammar of the Swift programming language only allows one get/set accessor in one property, this expansion would lead to incorrect syntax in Swift and ultimately make the code not compile.

However, this is actual seeing through a narrow lens. By applying the production level implementation of the COW macro, we can find that the get and set accessors are optimized into _read and _modify which could offer better performance in production environment. At the same time, we also can observe that the Swift programming language forbids the programmer to define multiple accessors that not only with the same name but actually the same semantics.

A Compilation Failure Caused by Duplicate Accessor Brought By Expanding The @UseDictionaryStorage Macro
A compilation failure caused by duplicate accessor brought by expanding the @UseDictionaryStorage macro.

Name Conflicts by Referring Declarations in Other Frameworks

Since we've learned several cases of potential name conflicts caused by adding declarations, you might think that the list of name conflicts has ended.

But no. Name conflicts not only can arise from declarations like variables and property accessors but also references to declarations in other frameworks. I would like to show you how we could be cornered into this situation by refactoring the @COW macro example.

The @COW macro example I've shown above is a naïve implementation -- the makeStorageUniqueIfNeeded function is redundant and can be eliminated by being extracted into a type called Box that is bundled with the library containing the @COW macro. To streamline the use of this type in macro expansions, we could also make it a property wrapper. Here is the example code:

public struct Box<Contents> {
private class Heap {
var contents: Contents
init(contents: Contents) { self.contents = contents }
private var heap: Heap
public init(wrappedValue: Contents) {
heap = Heap(contents: wrappedValue)
public var wrappedValue: Contents {
get { heap.contents }
set {
heap.contents = newValue
private mutating func makeUniqueHeapIfNeeded() {
guard !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&heap) else { return }
heap = Heap(contents: heap.contents)

Then we can attach @Box in the _$storage property brought by the macro expansion such that we can eliminate generating the makeStorageUniqueIfNeeded function in place. This reduces the redundancy and increases the speed of compilation. The macro's implementation is more sophisticated now.

struct User {
// @COW expansion began
private struct Storage {
var name: String
// other properties ...
private var _$storage: Storage
init(name: String, ...) {
self._$storage = Storage(name: name, ...)
// @COW expansion ended
// @COW expansion began
@COWIncluded(storage: _$storage)
// @COW expansion ended
var name: String {
// @COWIncluded expansion began
get { return _$storage.name }
set { _$storage.name = newValue }
// @COWIncluded expansion ended

However, the type name Box may be ambiguous -- there could be other frameworks that also have a type called Box. This ambiguity could also make the code uncompilable. The following snapshot shows how the production level implementation of the COW macro resolves this issue:

The Production Level of @COW Macro Resolves Potential Name Conflicts
The production level of @COW macro resolves potential name conflicts.

Semantics Conflicts

In the @DictionaryLike macro example which competes get and set accessors with @COW macro, we've learned that accessor macros may affect each other. However, this is not the only potential pitfall brought by accessor macros: some language features could also be interfered with by accessor macros. Look at the following example: a property wrapper makes the code not compiled by being attached to a stored property in a struct applied @COW macro.

Before the expansion:

struct Capitalized {
var wrappedValue: String {
didSet {
wrappedValue = wrappedValue.capitalized
struct User {
var name: String = ""

After the expansion:

struct User {
var name: String = "" {
get {
return _$storage.name
set {
_$storage.name = newValue
// ...

We got this expansion result because the property wrapper "expansion" happens later than the macro expansion. With this result, the @Capitalized property wrapper is still attached to the name variable but the variable is changed from a stored property into a computed property due to the macro expansion. Eventually, we would get an error diagnosed by the compiler:

Property wrapper cannot be applied to a computed property

Property Wrapper Cannot Be Applied To A Computed Property
Property wrapper cannot be applied to a computed property.

This does not only happen along with property wrappers, the lazy keyword could also lead to the same dead end.

class User {
lazy var name: String = { "Jane Doe" }()
class User {
lazy var name: String = { "Jane Doe" }() {
get {
return _$storage.name
set {
_$storage.name = newValue
// ...
Lazy Cannot Be Applied To A Computed Property
Lazy cannot be applied to a computed property.

With these examples, we can learn that the expansion of a Swift macro could change the semantics of the source code. This could lead to a semantics conflict and ultimately make the expansion result not compile.

Solutions: Progressive Control in Macro Expansion

Till now, we've had a list of typical traps and pitfalls that one could step into while implementing Swift macros. At a glance, this list might seem overwhelming to you. However, I invented a simple way to get rid of them: progressive control in macro expansion -- which was derived from the idea behind "progressive disclosure in API design" and "gradual typing" and borrowed some ideas extracted from the implementation of Apple's Swift Observation and SwiftData.

The idea behind "progressive control in macro expansion" is quite simple: if there are no conflicts, then the programmer shall not make any effort to workaround the conflict-resolving mechanisms. Or, there must be tools that allow the programmer to resolve the conflicts with minimal effort.

Maximize the Probability of the Lucky Case

If a programmer does not have to resolve any conflicts while applying Swift macros, then we can say the programmer gets a lucky case. To maximize the likelihood that a Swift macro user gets a favorable outcome, we must adhere to the following items:

Item 1: Macros that manipulate control flow should have names that reflect this purpose.

This item is for getting avoid misuse of the previously mentioned #unwrap macro:

func foo(_ bar: Int?) {
for _ in 0..<10 {
#unwrap(bar) {

which is expanded into:

func foo(_ bar: Int?) {
for _ in 0..<10 {
// #unwrap expansion began
guard let bar = bar else {
// #unwrap expansion ended

The programmers could find it much easier to get rid of such a pitfall by renaming this macro into #returnIfAnyOptional.

Item 2: Put the macro expansion under an "umbrella" if this matches your design.

This would make your macro expansion get rid of most member redeclaration errors. For example, to avoid resolving the name conflict that is caused by turning variable shadowing into variable redeclaration in the #unwrap macro, we can use a closure as the "umbrella" to protect the macro expansion:

Problematic expansion:

func foo(_ bar: Int?) {
// `updater` defined the first time
let updater = Updater()
// #unwrap expansion began
guard let bar else {
// `updater` defined the second time
let updater = Updater()
// #unwrap expansion ended

Fixed expansion with closure:

func foo(_ bar: Int?) {
// `updater` defined the first time
let updater = Updater()
// #unwrap expansion began
guard let bar else {
{ (bar) in
// `updater` defined the second time
let updater = Updater()
// #unwrap expansion ended

However, once the body of the closure involves control flows, the closure would not get inlined by the optimizer in its performance inlining pass. This could leave the body of the closure out of the local analysis and the optimization of the macro's apply site. In some cases, this also means to larger code size. To get rid of this situation, we could use the local function instead of closure and attribute the local function as @inline(__always) to build the "umbrella".

Fixed expansion with local function:

func foo(_ bar: Int?) {
// `updater` defined the first time
let updater = Updater()
// #unwrap expansion began
guard let bar else {
return true
func unwrapped(bar: Int) -> Void {
// `updater` defined the second time
let updater = Updater()
// #unwrap expansion ended

This "umbrella"-like structure could also be in expansions of attached macros -- the @COW macro's expansion declares a nested Storage type as the storage. This nested type would work like the aforementioned "umbrella" -- it would protect its member from redeclaration with a type scope.

struct User {
// @COW expansion began
private struct Storage {
var name: String
// other properties ...
// Unnecessary expansions ...
// @COW expansion ended
// Unnecessary contents ...

Item 3: Referring types, functions or variables from frameworks other than the standard library with fully-qualified names.

In the example of introducing the @Box property wrapper to the expansion of the @COW macro, we can find the name Box itself could be ambiguous since other imported frameworks may have a declaration in the same name. We can fix this by using a fully-qualified name. Let's say the name of the library is just COW then the fully-qualified name of Box is COW.Box.

The macro expansion before the fix:

struct User {
// @COW expansion began
// Unnecessary expansions ...
private var _$storage: Storage
// Unnecessary expansions ...
// @COW expansion ended
// Unnecessary contents ...

The macro expansion after the fix:

struct User {
// @COW expansion began
// Unnecessary expansions ...
private var _$storage: Storage
// Unnecessary expansions ...
// @COW expansion ended
// Unnecessary contents ...

Minimize the Effort of Resolving Conflicts

However, we cannot ensure the programmers always get the lucky case. There must be cases where programmers shall resolve the conflicts by themselves.

By applying the aforementioned items, there are still potential name and semantics conflicts that lie ahead of us. The only thing we can do is to face and resolve them: since we cannot assume that one single macro author can predict what names all other macro authors could pick, at the same time, invariant semantics definitely should not be a property of Swift macro expansion because it could decrease the flexibility of the Siwft Macro. An ideal situation would be to have a set of conflict-resolving tools that lie on a smooth curve of the cost of use. And there they are:

Item 4: Use the programmer's declarations if something in your macro expansion is declared by the programmer.

With this item, the programmer still makes zero effort to resolve the conflict. The mechanism described in this item is adopted by some AST transforming language features like Equatable and Hashable -- the compiler stops implementing these protocols on behalf of the programmers if the Equatable or Hashable has already been implemented by the programmer. It could also be observed in Swift Observation when the programmer implemented the access function or withMutation function. Since the mechanism itself is ubiquitous, the learning curve should also be gentle.

Item 5: Offer a way to rename the declarations in your macro expansion when renaming the declarations is possible.

We could test this item in the example of stacking up the @COW macro and the @DictionaryLike macro on a single type, the macro expansions of the two macros generate two _$storage variables. To add the renaming mechanism, we can naturally come up with the idea that to add an argument to the macro:

@attached(member, names: arbitrary)
public macro COW(storageName: String) =
#externalMacro(module: "COWMacros", type: "COWMacro")

But this would break the idea behind "progressive control in macro expansion": if there are no conflicts, then the programmer shall not care about resolving the conflicts -- with this macro declaration, the programmer shall always apply this macro with an additional argument this time. However, what might be something new to you is this also could be done by macro overloading. This means there could be multiple macros with the same name but have different "signatures".

@attached(member, names: arbitrary)
public macro COW() =
#externalMacro(module: "COWMacros", type: "COWMacro")
@attached(member, names: arbitrary)
public macro COW(storageName: String) =
#externalMacro(module: "COWMacros", type: "COWMacro")

Firstly, let's recall the expansion before adding the renaming mechanism to each macro.

struct User {
// Other contents ...
// Brought by @COW's expansion
var _$storage: Storage
// Brought by @DictionaryLike's expansion
var _$storage: [String : Any] = [:]

Then, there is the expansion after adding the renaming mechanism to each macro.

@COW(storageName: "_$cowStorage")
@DictionaryLike(storageName: "_$dictStorage")
struct User {
// Other contents ...
// Brought by @COW's expansion
var _$cowStorage: Storage
// Brought by @DictionaryLike's expansion
var _$dictStorage: [String : Any] = [:]

However, there could be generated declarations that couldn't be renamed, such as the get and set accessor. Then we would come to the most expensive item:

Item 6: Offer a way to stop code generation when the generated code involves unique language structures in a superstructure.

Swift Observation offers a good example for this item and here is the example: an @Observable macro attached class with a property attached with the @Capitalized property wrapper:

struct Capitalized {
var wrappedValue: String {
didSet {
wrappedValue = wrappedValue.capitalized
class User {
var name: String
init(name: String) {
self.name = name

The code above does not compile due to the property wrapper requires the name to be a stored property but @Observable transforms it into a computed property.

@Observable Transforms Stored Property Into Computed
@Observable transforms stored property into computed.

Here is the key part of the macro expansion:

class User {
// Unrelated expansion ...
// @Observable expansion began
// @Observable expansion ended
var name: String {
// @ObservationTracked expansion began
init(initialValue) initializes(_name) {
_name = initialValue
get {
access(keyPath: \.name)
return _name
set {
withMutation(keyPath: \.name) {
_name = newValue
// @ObservationTracked expansion ended
// Unrelated contents ...

However, since Swift Observation also offers an attached macro called @ObservationIgnored to stop code generation brought by @Observable on applied members, we can make use of this macro to manually resolve the conflicts.

Firstly, we have to backward the name property with an underscore, attaching @ObservationIgnored on it.

class User {
var _name: String
// ...

Then, we can add a name property, hand-rolling the observation mechanism:

class User {
// ...
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
var name: String {
init(initialValue) initializes(__name) {
__name = Capitalized(wrappedValue: initialValue)
get {
access(keyPath: \.name)
return _name
set {
withMutation(keyPath: \.name) {
_name = newValue
// ...

Finally, we resolved this conflict.

Resolving The Conflicts Brought by @Observable Macro Transforming Stored Properties Into Computed
Resolving the conflicts brought by @Observable macro transforming stored properties into computed.

Item 7: An example expansion should be included in the macro's documentation.

However, it is not enough to have item 6 alone. The programmers still could be confused about how to manually "expand" the macro by itself. To address this, the macro authors should include an example implementation that shows how to manually expand the macro in its documentation. This provides programmers with the guidance they need to manually resolve macro expansion conflicts.

Why I Didn't Recommend Using makeUniqueName(_:)

From the session at WWDC 2203, we learned that there is a way to get rid of name collision: use MacroExpansionContext.makeUniqueName(_:). However, the name generated by this API is unreadable by humans. Here is an example:

makeUniqueName Generates Unreadable Names
makeUniqueName generates unreadable names.

Do you know what it means? At least, I cannot make out what it means at first glance. We can only understand this by resolving it with swift-demangle:

Result from swift-demangle For makeUniqueName Generated Names
Result from swift-demangle for makeUniqueName generated names.

Since this name could be used at debug-time, being human-readable is crucial for the sake of the efficiency of understanding the code's purpose. This is the reason why I didn't recommend using MacroExpansionContext.makeUniqueName(_:).


In this post, we listed some typical traps and pitfalls that one could step into while authoring Swift macros. On top of that, we also discussed a methodology to resolve all of them: "progressive control in macro expansion", which involves 2 goals and 7 items.

The goals of this method are:

  • If there are no conflicts, then the programmer shall not make any effort to work around them by using conflict-resolving mechanisms.
  • Or, there must be tools that allow the programmer to resolve the conflicts with minimal effort.

The items in this method include:

  1. Macros that manipulate control flow should have names that reflect this purpose.
  2. Put the macro expansion under an "umbrella" if this matches your design.
  3. Referring types, functions or variables from frameworks other than the standard library with fully-qualified names.
  4. Use the programmer's declaration if something in your macro expansion is declared by the programmer.
  5. Offer a way to rename the declarations in your macro expansion when renaming the declarations is possible.
  6. Offer a way to stop code generation when the generated code involves unique language structures in a superstructure.
  7. An example expansion should be included in the macro's documentation.

In addition, we also learned that the name generated by MacroExpansionContext.makeUniqueName(_:) is unreadable for human beings. This decreased the efficiency of understanding the purpose of code during debugging.


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