Swift Macro: Revisited - The Strengths and Essence

From the sessions at WWDC 2023, we learned that Swift Macro aims to:

  • Eliminate boilerplates
  • Make tedious things easy
  • Share with other developers in packages

However, these goals aren't unique to Swift Macro. They are common objectives for many code reuse methods in Swift, such as functions, types, and modules. One could argue that all high-level programming languages aspire to these ends. There must be something else that Swift Macro excels at; otherwise, it would be redundant.

So, what is it that Swift Macro does exceptionally well?

The answer to this question is crucial. The unique strengths of Swift Macro defined its essence. It can guide us in crafting Swift macros that are effective, inform us of the boundaries when creating them, and ultimately lead us to produce well-designed Swift macros.

To grasp this, we need to first comprehend the problems that existing code reuse methods in Swift have managed to solve and their limitations. The key to understanding what sets Swift Macro apart lies in this exploration.

What Existing Code Reuse Methods Managed To Solve?

In Swift, the methods for code reuse encapsulate the code at various levels of granularity, from the finest functions to the coarsest modules. This design offers a hierarchical toolset to help us eliminate boilerplates in our code at each level.

However, a well-designed code reuse method not only means to eliminate unnecessary copy-and-pastes but also brings order to chaos. From the high-level programming language developer's perspective, the chaos usually comes from unexpected lookup results for the names of variables, functions or types and unexpected execution order of the program.

More than that, real-world code reuse stories often involve codes provided by various parties. This means for the compiled programming languages the code to reuse might be in variant distribution forms: either the source code or prebuilt libraries.

Let's explore how existing Swift code reuse methods handle all these well.


Swift functions are the finest code reuse method in Swift. Programmers encapsulate basic algorithms by organizing sequences of execution flows with control structures such as if ... else ... statement, while loop, for loop and return statement. Variables declared within the block of a control structure have higher lookup priority than those declared outside. There is a piece of code that illustrates an example of this. Each line represents a name lookup result.

// A global variable decalred at the top level of a source file
var bar: Int = 0
// ^
// |
// +---------------------------------------------------+
func foo() { // |
func getHexDescription(for index: Int) -> String { // |
return "0x" + String(index, radix: 16) // |
} // |
for i in 0..<100 { // |
// A local variable declared in a for loop |
let bar = getHexDescription(for: i) // |
// ^ |
// | |
// +--------- + |
// | |
print("bar = \(bar)") // |
} // |
// +-----------------------------------------------------+
// |
bar += 1

This scene has become familiar in our daily programming. However, this didn't come easy. The idea behind this design is called structured programming, defined by several key principles:

  • Variables are only accessible within the block of a control structure.
  • Control structures could be more expressive like using if ... else ... instead of a simple if statement.
  • The goto statement could be eliminated by more advanced control structures.
  • The function could be defined within other functions.

The very first high-level programming language FORTRAN did not incorporate these principles as we understand them today. It took the industry several years to develop and integrate these concepts fully. The idea then significantly influenced the design and evolution of high-level programming languages after its introduction. Swift also embraced this idea to enable programmers to build robust functions.


Swift types allow programmers to aggregate data and functions that share internal relationships. This enables code reuse in a greater level of granularity which is compared to standalone functions.

However, simply packing a bunch of things into one does not eliminate the complexity. When accessing members declared in a type, there should be principles similar to the access rules for variables in structured programming. Such that we can ensure expected name lookup results. Or there could be endless name collisions across types.

Yet, the internal data and the implementations should not be accessible outside a particular scope, such as the type or the source file, etc. This could decrease the mind burden for the programmers that use the type by exposing only necessary information to the programmers, preventing undefined behaviors caused by unexpected access to the internal implementations and defining a limited scope that the type can collaborate.

Swift types overcome the aforementioned challenges by:

  • Type members such as variables and functions declared can be accessed within the block of the type definition.
  • Introducing the dot-notation syntax to access members outside the type block.
  • Introducing access control to protect members in a type within a particular scope.
struct Foo {
// `bar` is private
private var bar: Int
func print() {
// `bar` is acceessible within the block of type `Foo`.
let foo = Foo()
// `print` is acceessible via dot-notation syntax.

With all these points, programmers can intuitively expect the name lookup results when working with types by generalizing what they learned from Swift functions that adopted principles of structured programming and bringing the experience got in other languages that have dot-notation syntax and access control.


From the previous section, we saw how Swift enhances code reusability with types when data and functions share internal relationships. How can we further improve reusability when types also share these relationships?

An intuitive answer is to further encapsulate types, data and functions into an abstract at a greater granular level. In Swift, it is what the module does.

However, in Swift, the module is not simply yet another aggregation of code. Just like the type system, a naïvely designed module system may also introduce name collisions across modules and expose unnecessary implementation details. Swift avoids this by continually generalizing what we learned from how Swift avoids similar problems in types:

  • Module members such as variables, functions and types can be accessed within the module.
  • Introducing the dot-notation syntax to access members outside the module when there are names in different modules collide.
  • Introducing access control to protect members in a module within a particular scope.
// In the Foo module
private var name = "foo"
public var version: String {
return "1.0"
public func foo() {
// In the Bar module
private var name = "bar"
public var version: String {
return "2.0"
public func bar() {
// In the app
import Foo
import Bar

On top of that, the module is also a way to distribute your code. Since people may distribute their code either in source code or prebuilt binary, the Swift compiler may consider this while implementing the module system.

Potential Different Forms of Distribution for Modules
Potential different forms of distribution for modules.


By examining the existing code reuse methods in Swift, we can find they tend to aggregate smaller abstractions into greater ones with a particular protective mechanism to ensure reasonable name lookup results and expected program execution flow.

Established Trends of Modules/Types and Functions
Established trends of modules/types and functions.

However, what gives them advantages also caps their capabilities. Due to those protective mechanisms, there are still programming concepts that cannot be encapsulated -- because some concepts require us to drop this protection.

To further improve the code reusability of the language, we no longer can follow the established trends of these existing code reuse methods.

What Swift Macros Do Exceptionally Well?

Conversely, Swift Macro improved the code reusability of the language by embracing different design philosophies. To help you build a comprehensive understanding of these design philosophies, I would like to show you the nature of Swift Macro with some typical examples.

Compile-Time Translations and Verifications

Design software like Figma and Sketch represent the RGB color with 6 hexadecimal digits. Developers often extend the type of color to allow direct copying and pasting of RGB values from design software for use in Swift:

import SwiftUI
// Color extension
extension Color {
public init(_ hex: UInt)
// Use example

But how do we verify that the pasted value is a valid RGB color? The action of copy-and-paste does not ensure the correctness of the result. The following code snippet shows a potential mistake that results in a copy-and-paste.

// Invalid color. 5 hexadecimal digits only

However, because Swift macros syntactically transform their arguments to generate new code, or say "to expand the macro", we can integrate syntax checking during this transformation. This enables compile-time verification for 6-digit hexadecimal RGB color "literals".

#Color(0xFFEEAA) // Compiled
// #Color expansion began
SwiftUI.Color(red: 1, green: 0.93, blue: 0.67)
// #Color expansion ended
#Color(0xFFEEA) // Invalid RGB, not compiled
Invalid RGB Literal That Does Not Compiled
Invalid RGB Literal That Does Not Compiled

From this example, you may be inspired to see how this compile-time computability can be applied to other types of "literals".

Offering Behaviors Beyond The Functions

In practice, we typically aim to avoid using an exclamation mark to forcefully unwrap optional values:

func foo(_ bar: Int?) {

Instead, we prefer a safer approach -- use guard let ... else:

func foo(_ bar: Int?) {
guard let bar else {

However, this can be cumbersome, especially with multiple optional parameters.

Given a programmer's nature, there must be a desire to encapsulate this unwrapping process for reuse. Unfortunately, since a function protects its internal execution flow from inner functions' return for the sake of structured programming, we cannot encapsulate this guard let ... else in a function -- because the return statement in a function cannot make the caller site function exit.

func guard<T>(_ value: T?) -> T {
guard let value else {
// This return cannot help `foo` to exit.
// More than that, this function does not compile.
return value
func foo(_ bar: Int?) {
let bar = guard(bar)

However, Swift Macro provides a feasible method for this type of encapsulation. We can have a macro called #unwrap which has the following use example:

func foo(_ bar: Int?) {
#unwrap(bar) {

This could be expanded as:

func foo(_ bar: Int?) {
// #unwrap expansion began
guard let bar = bar else {
// #unwrap expansion ended

In the example above, the arguments of the #unwrap macro -- bar and the trailing closure, are type-checked before the compiler initiates the macro expansion process. This means the bar received by print in the trailing closure would be bound to the parameter _ bar: Int? of the foo function after the type-check.

However, once the macro expanded, since the expansion process itself could be seen as a syntax replacement much like the copy-and-paste, the bar used by print now is bound to the one declared by the guard let bar statement, being unrelated to the type-check result before the macro expansion. More than that, the return statement brought by this macro expansion can also affect the control flow of the applied site now.

This example shows the evidence that the expansion of a freestanding Swift macro could involve control flow manipulation and lexical scope sharing.

Offering Behaviors Beyond Types

The capabilities of Swift Macro are not bound to these boundaries. Let's consider another kind of Swift Macro: attached macros and showcase its potential with a real-life example.

In real-world programming, we often start with types with simple definitions. Here is an example:

struct User {
var name: String
var avatar: URL

However, as the repository grows, the structs might expand proportionally:

struct User {
var name: String
var avatar: URL
var avatarsInDifferentScales: [Int : URL]
var userID: String
var socialMedias: [String]
var brief: String
// ...

Since each property in the struct of this example requires heap allocation for data storage, the cost of copying this struct also rises. The number of heap allocations corresponds to the number of retaining operations during the copy. Since retaining is atomic, this could potentially cause lagging in user interactions and waste in memory space.

To minimize the struct's copying cost, we can adopt copy-on-write behavior to the original struct by aggregating the properties into a class instance that acts as the storage and copying the storage when altering the properties:

struct User {
// The heap storage type that aggregates the original stored properties
// in the struct.
private class Storage {
var name: String
// other properties ...
// The instance of the heap storage.
private var _storage: Storage
init(name: String, ...) {
self._storage = Storage(name: name, ...)
// Offers copy-on-write behavior.
private func makeStorageUniqueIfNeeded() {
if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_storage) {
_storage = Storage(name: name, ...)
// A rewritten property in the struct.
var name: String {
get { return _storage.name }
set {
_storage.name = newValue
// Other rewritten properties ...

To understand this technique further, there is an illustration shows the difference between the working details before and after adopting the copy-on-write behavior:

Working Details Before and After Adopting The Copy-on-Write Behavior
Working details before and after adopting the copy-on-write behavior.

This is a useful technique to improve the performance when copying big structs comes to be the bottleneck. In real-world testing, I improved the performance of an app produced by ByteDance by adopting this technique, increasing the FPS of a particular scene from 48 to 56 and reducing the debug-time overall memory usage by 600MB.

However, the approach I showed above can be cumbersome. It not only involves a lot of hand-roll code but, worse still, it increases the cost of maintaining the program.

More than that, this technique cannot be encapsulated with any existing kind of types in Swift: no matter class, struct, enum or protocol. This is because what I've done to the struct is to extend the type's behaviors by transforming the existing members into another form. Since we can only reuse a type with aggregation, inheritance and conformance, none of this could help us encapsulate this piece of logic.

But Swift Macro offers what we want. We can encapsulate this code transformation process with Swift Macro and approach what I've done in the previous example more elegantly.

struct User {
var name: String
var avatar: URL
var avatarsInDifferentScales: [Int : URL]
var userID: String
var socialMedias: [String]
var brief: String
// ...

Yes. Just as simple as I've shown. By adding an attached macro called @COW to the struct, we have introduced the copy-on-write behavior to this struct.

What this macro did is nothing more than what we have hand-rolled in the previous example -- adding heap storage to the struct and transforming the stored properties into computed properties that forward access to the heap storage:

struct User {
// @COW expansion began
private class Storage {
var name: String
// other properties ...
private var _$storage: Storage
private func makeStorageUniqueIfNeeded() {
if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_$storage) {
_$storage = Storage(name: name, ...)
init(name: String, ...) {
self._$storage = Storage(name: name, ...)
// @COW expansion ended
// @COW expansion began
@COWIncluded(storage: _$storage)
// @COW expansion ended
var name: String {
// @COWIncluded expansion began
get { return _$storage.name }
set {
_$storage.name = newValue
// @COWIncluded expansion ended

However, all these above happen in an automatic process that the Swift compiler type-checks the User struct and then invokes the macro expansion by using the type-checked User struct as an argument. Finally, the @COW macro generates code by understanding the contents in the User struct. With this automatic mechanism, the cost of maintenance has been eliminated.

From the macro expansion shown above, it can be observed that attached Swift macros can extend types with members and rewrite properties by adding accessors. The extended contents not only bring new behaviors to the type but also share the "namespace" of the extended point. It is also worth noting that adding accessors to a stored property also changed its semantics from a stored property into a computed property.


By studying the existing code reuse methods in Swift and understanding the characteristics of the newer Swift macros, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • Swift Macro is yet another form of encapsulation. It does not bring any new runtime capabilities.
  • Swift Macro generates codes by transforming the programmer's code at the compile time. This means that we can also integrate compile-time verification into it.
  • Unlike existing code reuse features in Swift, Swift Macro does not protect its expansion from the existing contents of the applied site by default. Yet, it also can change the semantics of applied site. Macro authors shall watch out for potential traps and pitfalls while implementing Swift macros. To be specific:
    • For freestanding Swift macros, they can affect the control flow of the applied site as well as share the lexical scope.
    • For attached Swift macros, they can extend members to types as well as accessors to properties. The extended contents also share the same "namespace" of the extended point. More than that, accessor macros could turn a stored property into a computed property by adding either the get, set or other undocumented accessors like _read, _modify, unsafeAddress and unsafeMutableAddress.
How Swift Macro Works
How Swift Macro works.

These properties offer programmers not only another option for code reuse but also the ability to encapsulate programming concepts that involve compile-time checking, control flow manipulations, and adding behaviors to types without relying on inheritance or other runtime techniques. These properties have never been implemented in Swift before. Without a doubt, they are the unique strengths that define Swift Macro.

However, the same features that give Swift Macro its advantages also introduce potential traps and pitfalls. We will delve into this topic in the following post.


Freiheit ist Wille. Handeln ist Fähigkeit. Mut ist der Glaube, der mit der Zeit nicht nachlässt.
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